Ahmad Alipour

Faculty of Human Sciences
Department of Psychology
Tehran South
Colleague Title Publisher Volume Pages Date
جلوه نرگس ، محمود فخه هيمن-385013 Comparing the Psychological Hardiness, Comparing the Psychological Hardiness, Comparing the Psychological Hardiness, Comparing the Psychological Hardiness, Comparing the Psychological Hardiness, Comparing the Psychological Hardiness, Comparing the Psychol 3 34-40 2015
رمزي ليلا ، سپهري شاملو زهره ، زارع حسين-409974 the effectiveness of group reality therapy in coping strategies family psychology 1 19-30 2015
محمدي نرگس ، دقاق زاده حامد ، فرزاد ولي اله Comparing the difficulties of emotion regulation in patients with irritable bowel syndrome based on handedness 12 - 2015
علي اكبري مهناز-371023 ، شريفي ساكي شيدا Effectiveness of teaching anger management skills using cognitive behavioral 2 127-134 2015
خزيمه مهتا ، كاكوجويباري محدثه Time perception in children with and without ADHD: the effect of Sensory modality in different durations 13 52-63 2015
مهناز يزدان فر ، غلامرضا منشايي ، آگاه هريس مژگان-385074 ، نوربالا احمدعلي The effectiveness of written emotional disclosure training on psychological well-being and quality of life in psychosomatic disorders 1 35-41 2015
مهناز يزدان فر ، غلامرضا منشايي ، آگاه هريس مژگان-385074 ، نوربالا احمدعلي The effectiveness of written emotional disclosure training on psychological well-being and quality of life in psychosomatic disorders 1 35-41 2015
طرقه ميترا ، علي اكبري مهناز-371023 Effect of humour on burnout and resiliency of nurses 25 57-64 2015
علي اكبري مهناز-371023 ، محمدي نرگس ، دقاق زاده حامد The Structural Model of Difficulties in Emotion Regulation, Psychological 33 28-44 2015
بابامحمودي عبدالرضا ، عراف نسب زهرا ، نوربالا احمدعلي ، قانعي مصطفي ، بابا محمودي فرهنگ ، عليمحمديان محمدحسين ، رياضي راد فرهاد ، خز وحيد ، دارابي هديه Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT) Effects on Psychoimmunological Factors of Chemically Pulmonary Injured Veterans IRANIAN JOURNAL OF ALLERGY ASTHMA AND IMMUNOLOGY 14 37-47 2015
جلوه نرگس ، محمود فخه هيمن-385013 Comparing the Psychological Hardiness, Comparing the Psychological Hardiness, Comparing the Psychological Hardiness, Comparing the Psychological Hardiness, Comparing the Psychological Hardiness, Comparing the Psychological Hardiness, Comparing the Psychol 3 34-40 2015
اوركي محمد-403485 ، جعفرزاده مهشيد ، قاسم زاده عزيزرضا comparision of coping stratigies and attachment style among person with and without gendr identitiy disorder 3 98-109 2014
اوركي محمد-403485 ، جان نثاري فريبا ، پورشمس اكرم Comparison of General Psychological Wellbeing Schedule between Patients with Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease and Healthy Controls 19 27-31 2014
ناظري شيوا ، صادقي كوپايي محمدتقي ، شفيعي اكبر ، حاجي قاسمي كاشاني زهرا ، بهرام نيا عماد ، انصاري مژگان Emotional/Behavioral Problems in Children with Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia: A Case-Control Study international journal of hematology-oncology and stem cell research 8 14-20 2014
فرزاد ولي الله ، شريفي شيدا Effectiveness of Mindfulness Training in Reducing of Aggression and Increasing self-esteem in Women with Breast Cancer Asian Journal of Medical and Pharmaceutical Researches (AJMPR) - 2014
عارف نسب زهرا-443603 ، قانعي مصطفي ، نوربالا احمدعلي ، بابامحمودي فرهنگ ، بابامحمودي عبدالرضا ، صالحي مريم Effect of Mindfulness Based Stress Reduction on Quality of Life and spirometry parameters im chimically pulmonary injured veterans iranian jurnal of public health 42 1026-1033 2013
آگاه هريس مژگان-385074 ، جان بزرگي مسعود ، موسوي الهام ، نوحي شهناز A Comparative Study of Effectiveness on Life- style 1 2-10 2013
آگاه هريس مژگان-385074 ، جان بزرگي مسعود ، موسوي الهام ، نوحي شهناز A Comparative Study of Effectiveness on Life- style 1 2-10 2013
محمدي محمدرضا ، فرخزادي فريده ، دهستاني مهدي-401207 Marital Satisfaction amongst Parents of Children with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder and Normal Children iranian journal of psychiatry 1 120-125 2012
فرخزادي فريده ، محمدي محمدرضا ، دهستاني مهدي-401207 Substance Abuse Disorders in the Parents of ADHD Children, acta medica iranica 5 319-327 2012
بازياري ميمند مهتاب-414425 The Relationship Between Approach-Avoidance Behaviors and Hardiness 10 61-65 2012
بازياري ميمند مهتاب-414425 The Relationship Between Approach-Avoidance Behaviors and Hardiness 10 61-65 2012
آخوندي نيلا-380019 ، اعراب شيباني خديجه-450006 Relationship between handedness and thinking styles in female and procedia 32 22- 2012
آخوندي نيلا-380019 ، اعراب شيباني خديجه-450006 Relationship between handedness and thinking styles in female and procedia 32 22- 2012
آخوندي نيلا-380019 ، اعراب شيباني خديجه-450006 Relationship between handedness and thinking styles in female and procedia 32 22- 2012
صفاري نيا مجيد-402705 ، توكلي س effects of inviromental design inspired by nature on psychological and physiological responses of clients in... INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ENVIRONMENTAL RESEARCH 6 689-694 2012
نوربالا احمد علي ، آگاه هريس مژگان-385074 Mental Health and Well-Being in Different Levels of Perceived IRANIAN JOURNAL OF PUBLIC HEALTH 41 46-54 2012
نوربالا احمد علي ، آگاه هريس مژگان-385074 Mental Health and Well-Being in Different Levels of Perceived IRANIAN JOURNAL OF PUBLIC HEALTH 41 46-54 2012
اعراب شيباني خديجه-450006 ، اخوندي نيلا Effects of handedness and depth of processing on the explicit and procedia 29- 2012
اعراب شيباني خديجه-450006 ، اخوندي نيلا Effects of handedness and depth of processing on the explicit and procedia 29- 2012
مصلي نژاد ليلا ، زارع حسين-409974 ، خدابخشي آناهيتا A Blended EeducaAtionaAl PrograAm: IimpaPAct of Ccognitive aAnd MmetaAcognitive LleaArning on UundergraAduaAte StudentsS MIDDLE EAST JOURNAL OF NURSING 12- 2012
زندي بهمن-410318 ، سرمدي محمدرضا-409949 ، محرابي مانوش Specifications of Desirable Open and Distance University AMERICAN JOURNAL OF SCIENTIFIC RESEARCH 120- 2012
پدرام احمد ، عابدي محمدرضا ، رستمي زينب what is happiness INTERDISCIPLINARY JOURNAL OF CONTEMPORARY RESEARCH IN BUSINESS 3 660-667 2012
پدرام احمد ، عابدي محمدرضا What is quality of life therapy ? INTERDISCIPLINARY JOURNAL OF CONTEMPORARY RESEARCH IN BUSINESS 4 517-522 2012
صفاري نيا مجيد-402705 ، توكلي سوده Effects of Environmental Design Inspired by nature on Psychological and INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ENVIRONMENTAL RESEARCH 3 689-694 2012
زندي بهمن-410318 ، سرمدي محمدرضا-409949 ، محرابي مانوش Specifications of Desirable Open and Distance University Textbooks, A Comprehensive Review of Articles AMERICAN JOURNAL OF SCIENTIFIC RESEARCH 120-131 2012
زارع حسين-409974 ، پورشريفي ح ، اعراب شيباني خديجه-450006 ، افخمي اردكاني م The Intermediary Role of Self-Efficacy in Relation with Stress,Glycosylated Haemoglobin and Health-Related Quality of Life inPatients with Type2 Diabetes IRANIAN JOURNAL OF PUBLIC HEALTH 41 76-80 2012
زارع حسين-409974 ، پورشريفي ح ، اعراب شيباني خديجه-450006 ، افخمي اردكاني م The Intermediary Role of Self-Efficacy in Relation with Stress,Glycosylated Haemoglobin and Health-Related Quality of Life inPatients with Type2 Diabetes IRANIAN JOURNAL OF PUBLIC HEALTH 41 76-80 2012
آخوندي نيلا-380019 ، اعراب شيباني خديجه-450006 Relationship between handedness and thinking styles in female and male students Procedia in Vaccinology 1 22-28 2012
آخوندي نيلا-380019 ، اعراب شيباني خديجه-450006 Relationship between handedness and thinking styles in female and male students Procedia in Vaccinology 1 22-28 2012
آخوندي نيلا-380019 ، اعراب شيباني خديجه-450006 Relationship between handedness and thinking styles in female and male students Procedia in Vaccinology 1 22-28 2012
تب بردبار فريبا ، نيك كار مليحه ، يزداني فتانه Comparing the psychological well-being level of the students of Shiraz Payame Noor University in view of demographic and academic performance variables Procedia in Vaccinology 1 663-669 2011
Finger Counting Habits in Middle Eastern and Western Individuals: An Online Survey INTERNATIONAL GOURNAL OF CROSS CULTURAL PSYCHOLOGY 42 566-578 2011
Emotional Intelligence and Prefrontal Cortex: a Comparative Study Based on Wisconsin Card Sorting Test (WCST) iranian journal of psychiatry and behavioral sciences 5 114- 2011
شقاقي فرهاد-410367 ، حاجي زادگان مرضيه comparing mental rotation and lateralization  JOURNAL OF PSYCHOLOGICAL SCIENCE 10 197-206 2011
شقاقي فرهاد-410367 ، حاجي زادگان مرضيه comparing mental rotation and lateralization  JOURNAL OF PSYCHOLOGICAL SCIENCE 10 197-206 2011
آقايوسفي عليرضا-374042 ، شريف نسيم Reliability and Validity of the “Personal Well-Being Index – Adult” in Mothers of Mentally Retarded Students in North of Tehran-Iran iranian journal of psychiatry and behavioral sciences 5 106- 2011
آقايوسفي عليرضا-374042 ، شريف نسيم Reliability and Validity of the “Personal Well-Being Index – Adult” in Mothers of Mentally Retarded Students in North of Tehran-Iran iranian journal of psychiatry and behavioral sciences 5 106- 2011
?Comparing the psychological well-being level of the students of procedia 663- 2011
هاشمي تورج finger count JOURNAL OF PSYCHOLOGY 18 71-83 2010
بلالي رقيه-385275 An Investigation of the Relationship between Handedness and Skills of Coping and Happiness; the Case Study of High Schools in Tabriz EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF SCIENTIFIC RESEARCH -
بلالي رقيه-385275 An Investigation of the Relationship between Handedness and Skills of Coping and Happiness; the Case Study of High Schools in Tabriz EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF SCIENTIFIC RESEARCH -