Samin Abbasi

Assistant Professor
Faculty of Human Sciences
Department of Law
Colleague Title Publisher Volume Pages Date
ارشدي محمديار-404109 ، صدري سيد محمد-410174 Custody of child in figha and Iranian Law,comparing it with British law -
ارشدي محمديار-404109 ، صدري سيد محمد-410174 Custody of child in figha and Iranian Law,comparing it with British law -
صدري سيد محمد-410174 ، ارشدي محمديار-404109 Cost of maintenance of the wife in Iran law and England EUROPEAN ONLINE JOURNAL OF NATURAL AND SOCIAL SCIENCES -
صدري سيد محمد-410174 ، ارشدي محمديار-404109 Cost of maintenance of the wife in Iran law and England EUROPEAN ONLINE JOURNAL OF NATURAL AND SOCIAL SCIENCES -
ارشدي محمديار-404109 ، صدري سيد محمد-410174 The Financial System Governing over Rights and obligations of spouses in Iranian and British laws International journal of asian social sciences -
ارشدي محمديار-404109 ، صدري سيد محمد-410174 The Financial System Governing over Rights and obligations of spouses in Iranian and British laws International journal of asian social sciences -