Ali Abdi

Assistant Professor
Faculty of Human Sciences
Department of Education
Colleague Title Publisher Volume Pages Date
Comparing the Effectiveness of a Teaching Strategy based on Multiple Intelligences with a traditional method on 5th grade elementary Students’ Achievement and Attitudes Towards Science learning ABHANDLUNGEN AUS DEM MATHEMATISCHEN SEMINAR DER UNIVERSITAT HAMBURG 101-120 2012
فرجي آناهيتا the role of coping styles and social support in discriming of student with high and low test anxiety 47-68 2012
A study on the relationship of thinking styles of students and theircritical thinking skills Elsevier(Procedia Scial and Behavioral Sciences 1719-1723 2012
The Effect of Teaching Strategy Based on Multiple Intelligences on Students’ Academic Achievement in Science Course The Effect of Teaching Strategy Based on Multiple Intelligences on Students’ Academic Achievement in 4 281-284 2013
كرم افروز محمد جواد Learning by Employing Educational Multimedia in Field-dependent and Field-independent Cognitive Styles Learning by Employing Educational Multimedia in Field-dependent and Field-independent Cognitive Styl 4 298-302 2013
The Effect of Inquiry-based Learning Method on Students Academic Achievement in Science Course’ The Effect of Inquiry-based Learning Method on Students Academic Achievement in Science Course’ 1 37-41 2014
لايي سوسن Instructors' Evaluation as an Instrument to Improve Performance and Determine Competence Universal Journal of Educational Research 2 110-118 2014
لائي سوسن ، كرم افروز محمد جواد ، شيرخاني نسيم The Impact of Behavioral-Social Disorders on Students' Education Drop-Off The Impact of Behavioral-Social Disorders on Students' Education Drop-Off 2 207-212 2014