Younes Abbasi

Faculty of Human Sciences
Department of Accounting
Colleague Title Publisher Pages City Country Date
Impact of organizational decentralization of management accounting system The first International Conference on Accounting and Management - 2015
سهرابي حميدرضا Implementation of accrual accounting,The need for applying,Benefits and Challenges The first International Conference on Accounting and Management - 2015
سهرابي حميدرضا Business uncertainty and its impact on management accounting system The first International Conference on Accounting and Management - 2015
بساطي علي Developments in information technology and accounting profession 3 rd intl conf . on accounting & management - 2015
منصوري زينب Entrepreneurial approach to economic and social development - 2014
محمدي يونس ، پرواره يونس-450359 Evaluate the effectiveness of new technologies in fiscal discipline 1th international conference on economics ,management, accounting and social sciences - 2014
PAT,concepts and problems. international conference on economics, accounting,management and social sciences - 2014
محمدي يونس ، بساطي سجاد ، اسكندري افسانه Smart audit reports and financial statements in the public sector 1th international conference on economics, management,accounting and social sciences - 2014
Study of accounting concepts and challenges in Iran international conference on economics, accounting,management and social sciences - 2014
ويسمرادي اكبر-438934 ، رستمي رضا-410671 ، محمدي عبدالمجيد-419027 the effect financial Outsourcing in Production units The second Conference on Accounting, Financial Managment and Investment - 2014
ويسمرادي اكبر-438934 ، رستمي رضا-410671 ، محمدي عبدالمجيد-419027 the effect financial Outsourcing in Production units The second Conference on Accounting, Financial Managment and Investment - 2014
منصوري فاطمه The role of government policies on entrepreneurship development in Iran - 2014
محمدي زاوله محمد Accounting education history in iran the 11th iranian Accounting Conference 11-34 2013
محمدي زاوله محمد ، شرفي مهدي ، ويسمرادي اكبر-438934 E-Business and its requirements in Iran conference on management entrepreneurship and economic development 1-21 2013
A Study of Entrepreneurship Development Challenges in Iran 2nd. international conference on managementT entrepreneurship and economic development 1-21 2013