Reza Haji hosseini

Faculty of Sciences
Department of Biology
Tehran East
Colleague Title Publisher Pages City Country Date
جعفري علي اكبر ، شهرتي مجيد ، لطيفي علي محمد Investigation of effect plant scrophularia of wound healing in mice 1-1 2012
زارع ميرك آبادي آ ، مرادحاصلي سعيد Irreversible cytotoxic effect induced by ICD-85 venoms derived peptides) on Hela cell line 16-16 2011
Long-term effects of new antiepileptic drugs, Gabapanten, on sodium and liver biochemical profiles - 2007
Amino acids and reaction of L-Phenylalanin with B-cyclodexterin - 2007
باستاني عبدالحسين ، آزادمنش فاطمه ، حيدري محمد حسن Investigation of changes in the plasma level concentration of MDA and protein carbonyl and urine level concentration of 8-iso PGF2a and 8-OHdGua during fasting in healthy subjects in Terhran 310-310 1921
باستاني عبدالحسين ، كياني فاطمه ، حيدري محمد حسن Investigation of changes in the plasma level concentration of serotonin, dopamine, BDNF during fasting in healthy subjects in Tehran 310-310 1921
علاف مهرانگيز ، آبرومند محمد purification and characterization and kinetic properties of lipoxygenase anzyme from soya bean and effect ions on it 430-430 1921
خادمي فاطمه ، حمزه اي كوروش ، مصطفايي علي Purification of three major forms of B-hcG from urine and production of polyclonal antibodies against them 10th Iranian congress of biochemistry & 3th International congress of biochemistry and molecular bio 597-597 2009
باستاني عبدالحسين ، موسوي م Evaluation of the effects of fasting on the oxidative system and susceptibility of erythrocytes membrane to oxidant during Ramadan time 10th Iranian congress of biochemistry & 3th International congress of biochemistry and molecular bio 584-584 2009
ميررضوي مولود ، صابوني فرزانه ، عباسي شه صنام ، امير اصلاني بنفشه ، خرم خورشيد حميد رضا ، ناظم حبيب اله-392718 The ability of IMOD to modulate the production of NO in activated astrocytes 10th Iranian congress of biochemistry & 3th International congress of biochemistry and molecular bio 573-573 2009
ميررضوي مولود ، صابوني فرزانه ، عباسي شه صنام ، امير اصلاني بنفشه ، خرم خورشيد حميد رضا ، ناظم حبيب اله-392718 The ability of IMOD to modulate the production of NO in activated astrocytes 10th Iranian congress of biochemistry & 3th International congress of biochemistry and molecular bio 573-573 2009
جليل فر شهره ، صغيري رضا ، ابراهيمي راد مينا ، انصاري شهلا ، ناظم حبيب اله-392718 ، پورفلاح فاطمه ، پورشريفي پگاه The analysis of serum adenosine deaminase and its isoenzymes activities in patient with acute lymphoblastic leukemia 10th Iranian congress of biochemistry & 3th International congress of biochemistry and molecular bio 597-597 2009
جليل فر شهره ، صغيري رضا ، ابراهيمي راد مينا ، انصاري شهلا ، ناظم حبيب اله-392718 ، پورفلاح فاطمه ، پورشريفي پگاه The analysis of serum adenosine deaminase and its isoenzymes activities in patient with acute lymphoblastic leukemia 10th Iranian congress of biochemistry & 3th International congress of biochemistry and molecular bio 597-597 2009
قاسمي فاطمه ، دواچي شراره ، نهروانيان حسين ، اميني مرضيه Anti leishmania effects of L- arginine as nitric oxide inducer and indomethacin as prostaglandin inhibitor in Balb/C mice infected with leishmania major MRHO/IR/75/ER 10th Iranian congress of biochemistry & 3th International congress of biochemistry and molecular bio 201-201 2009
دواچي شراره ، قاسمي فاطمه ، نهروانيان حسين ، اميني مرضيه ، اميدنيا اسكندر Immunobiochemistry of nitric oxide, microelements and liver enzymes and inhibitory evaluation of visceralization in leishmania major infected balb/C mice under treatment with paromomycin 10th Iranian congress of Biochemistry & 3th International congress of Biochemistry and molecular Bio 177-177 2009
چيت ساز محسن ، منصوري صادق ، ميرزايي محسن study of Phenotypic and genotypic of Escherichia coli -strains producing enzyme beta-lactamaseAmpC isolated from hospitals of Tehran 16th Iranian Congress on Infectious Diseases and Tropical area 31-31 2007
جليليان اميررضا ، حاجي ميرصادقي ليلاالسادات ، خرمي آ Preparation, quality control and bioditribution studies of 67Ga-DOTA-anti CD20 17th International symposium on radiopharmaceutical sciences - 2007
شريفي فرانك ، مظلومي سحر ، جابري ي Adiponectin concentrations in women with polycystic ovary syndrom relationship with body mass index and insulin resistance 3th International congress of prediabetes and the metabolic syndrome - 2009
نهروانيان حسين ، نجف زاده بارفروش مانا ، فرهمند مهين ، زماني زهرا Immunobiochemical evaluation of antileishmanial effects of trinitroglycerin as nitric oxide donor in BALB/C mice infected with Leishmania major MRHO/IR/75/ER 4th worldleish congress on Leishmaniasis 62-62 2010
اسلام نژاد باغبان ، ندري صمد Expression of THY 1.2 surface antigen increases significantly during the murine MSCS cultivation period 5th International Society for stem cell research annual meeting 13-13 2007
باصري حميدرضا ، ابطحي م ، شايقي م Human blood propensity of Anopheles stephensi the main malaria vector of Malaria in coastal and mountainous areas of Bandar Abbas, Southern Iran 6th International congress of Dipterology 93-93 2006
احمدزاده راجي مژگان ، خسروي عليرضا ، نبوي مسعود ، ابراهيمي احمد ، صنعتي حسين The study of Interleukin receptor gene seven and a MS in Iranian patients 6th International Iranian congress of MS 90-90 2009
ندري صمد ، اسلامي نژاد باغبان Murine marrow-derived mesenchymal stem cells: Isolation, Differention and study od some surface markers 7th Iranian congress of Anatomical sciences 45-45 2006
حيدريان اسفنديار ، شمس الهي زهرا effect of artichoke leaves on liver phosphatidate phosphohydrolase, serum and liver triglyceride levels in rats fed by lipogenic and normal diet Biochemical aspec tof Herbal medicine 209-209 2008
Cytidylyl cyclase activity, enzymic conversion of CTP into cCMP Biochemical society 54-54 2002
پورشريفي پگاه ، ابراهيمي راد مينا ، ناظم حبيب اله-392718 ، لامع راد بهزاد-410511 The preliminary study of Adenosine Deaminase and it's isoenzymes in serum of healthy subjects European life scienctist organization 587-587 2007
پورشريفي پگاه ، ابراهيمي راد مينا ، ناظم حبيب اله-392718 ، لامع راد بهزاد-410511 The preliminary study of Adenosine Deaminase and it's isoenzymes in serum of healthy subjects European life scienctist organization 587-587 2007
صغيري رضا ، اخباري هادي ، پورشريفي پگاه ، ابراهيني راد مينا ، چيني كار صادق ، ناظم حبيب اله-392718 ، پورپاك زهرا ، معين مصطفي ، شمس صديقه ، كرمي منيزه Adenosine deaminase and its isoenzymes in serum of patients with primary immunodeficiency diseases European Life scientist organization 391-391 2007
صغيري رضا ، اخباري هادي ، پورشريفي پگاه ، ابراهيني راد مينا ، چيني كار صادق ، ناظم حبيب اله-392718 ، پورپاك زهرا ، معين مصطفي ، شمس صديقه ، كرمي منيزه Adenosine deaminase and its isoenzymes in serum of patients with primary immunodeficiency diseases European Life scientist organization 391-391 2007
نجف زاده بارفروش مانا ، نهروانيان حسين Immunopharmacological and pathophysiological investigation on antileishmania effects of trinitroglycerin as nitric oxide releasing agent in BALB/C mice International online Medical conference IMOC 8-9 2008
محمودي رزاق ، لطيفي علي محمد ، شهرتي مجيد ، جعفري علي اكبر Chemical composition, antibacterial and antioxidant activities of Scrophularia striata extracts National conference of Natural products and medicinal plants 249-249 2012
جعفري علي اكبر ، لطيفي علي محمد ، شهرتي مجيد ، هيئت محمد Study of hydroalcoholic, alcoholic and aqueous extract of scrophularia striata National congress on medicinal plants 1-1 2012
پور فلاح فاطمه ، جواديان سيف الدين ، زماني زهرا ، صغيري رضا ، صادقي صديقه ، زارعي بهاره ، فاطمي نرگس ، ميرخاني فاطمه ، احدي رباب ، صفايي زينب Serum levels of Zinc, Copper, Iron and Copper/Zinc ratio in patients with pulmonary tuberculosis before and after treatment The 12th Asian-Pasific congress of clinical biochemistry 80-80 2010
سرزعيم علي ، زارع ميرك آبادي آ Comparison of anti-proliferative effects of ICD-85 venom derived peptides) and ICD-85 Nanoparticles by MTT assay The first congress on venomous animals and toxins 119-119 2011